The name is an elaborate one, but necessary. MC1R stands for melanocortin-1 receptor. This is the receptor that gives redheads their red hair, pale skin and freckles.
The editor, Tristan, is a redhead himself and started MC1R magazine about 3 years ago. In that time he has published six issues, all of which break with the mono-theme and deal extensively with the peculiarities of redheads.
In the current issue #6 Anna Ermakova is interviewed (and not a word about her father). Lindsay Lohan’s stylist also has her say and Samantha explains the circumstances of red-bearded men.
It is with articles like these and others of no less interest that the magazine convinces, along with its subtle but sophisticated design and obvious attention to detail. This starts with the unusually thick paper and continues with the elaborate photo series.
To find out why Tristan went to the trouble of creating a special interest magazine for redheads, and what the challenges were, watch a short arte Tracks feature on YouTube:
And why am I writing about this?
My formerly red, now grey beard and my rather sensitive skin don’t necessarily make me the target group. It’s more because Tristan has been my colleague at DOKYO for a good six months.
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