Analogue / Music Upgrading the Vestax PDX 2000 – New cover and target lights I’ve had two Vestax PDX 2000s for what seems like forever, which I bought from a friend for not too… February 2, 2024
Analogue Book: Schlecky Silberstein – Das Internet muss weg! Schlecky Silberstein’s book, Das Internet muss weg (The Internet Has To Go), is not a revelation on how to live… March 22, 2019
Analogue The Instagram Photo Invasion by Lucas Levitan Instagram would rather be the network that has the beautiful pictures. That’s often true, even if it means overlooking the… October 5, 2017
Analogue MC1R – The Magazine for Redheads The name is an elaborate one, but necessary. MC1R stands for melanocortin-1 receptor. This is the receptor that gives redheads… August 18, 2017
Analogue Book: Wir hatten Sex in den Trümmern und träumten The book’s title, which translates to “We had sex in the ruins and dreamed,” may not immediately convey its connection… June 24, 2016